Though still a small percentage of unit share in the global PC marketplace, apple now accounts for the vast bulk ( potentially all) of PC manufacturer profits. 虽然苹果在现在的全球PC市场上仍然只占了一个较小的份额,但它的营业利润却是其他PC厂商望尘莫及的,说不定未来还有可能把普通PC厂商的利润空间彻底榨干。
Alta bicycle share, which runs a handful of systems in major cities, will work with New York officials to run the program, and will split any profits with the government. 曾在诸多大城市运营公共自行车系统的阿尔塔自行车分享公司(AltaBicycleShare)将与纽约市共同负责该项目的运营,所得利润由该公司与纽约市政府共同分配。
The original deal was signed in1997 and granted China the right to not only explore the field but to share in the profits. 根据1997年签订的原始合约,中国不但取得开发油田的权利,同时还可分享上传:韩萱。
Only imagine me a captain at twenty, with a hundred louis pay, and a share in the profits! 想想看,我二十岁就能当上船长,薪水是一百金路易〔法国金币名。
More fundamental is the contrast between the 7 per cent average share of the financial sector in US gross domestic product between 1998 and 2014 and its 29 per cent average share in profits ( see chart). 更为根本的是这样一个对比,在1998到2014年间,金融业在美国国内生产总值(GDP)中平均占比达到7%,在利润中的平均占比则达到了29%。
Share prices have risen by 220 percent since Abe came to power in December 2012. And corporate performance has improved primarily in the export industries, which have benefited from a depreciated yen with many companies posting their highest profits on record. 自从2012年安倍上任以来,股价已经上涨了220%并且公司收益大大改善(得益于日元的贬值,出口业改善尤为明显),许多企业都取得了有史以来的最高收益。
Taylor accepts these terms because of his desire to share in the unusually large profits of the business. 由于泰勒期望分享企业超常的利润,他接受了这些条件。
Sharing of partnership profits means that all partners have a right to share in partnership profits and an obligation to share in part-nership losses. 分享利润即所有合伙人都有分享企业利润的权利和分担企业亏损的责任。
Share prices rose sharply on the back of a rise in profits. 由于利润增长股票价格大幅上涨。
We shall all have a share in the profits. 我们都分得一份利润。
When you look at share prices in China, you also have to look at the high economic growth and rising profits. 你在看待中国的股价时,还需要看到中国高速的经济增长和不断提高的盈利。
Holders of bonds have lent money to the company, but they have no voice in its affairs, nor do they share in profits or losses. 债券持有者借钱给公司,但他们对公司业务无权过问,不论是赢利还是亏损都没有他们的份儿。
The main features of a joint venture are joint investment, joint management and joint share in profits and losses. 合资经营的主要特点是共同投资、共同管理、共负盈亏。
Limited partners may not share as much in the profits, but they also have less responsibility for the business. 有限合伙人可能不能分享同样多的利润,但是,他们也要为商业活动付较少的责任。
Every member has a share in the profits made by the company. ( adj.) 每个会员可分享公司的盈利。
A plan was brought forward to allow workers to share in the profits. 一个可以让工人分红的计划提出来了。
He has no right to a share in profits. 他没有权利去分得一份收益。
Mining companies are encountering growing political risk as higher commodity prices lead to more "resource nationalism" and governments demanding a greater share in the profits from mines in their countries. 大宗商品价格的上涨导致了更多的“资源民族主义”,各国政府要求在本国矿产的利润中多分一杯羹,矿业公司因而经受着越来越大的政治风险。
He abdicated his right to a share in the profits. 他放弃了分享利润的权利。
To gain a larger audience share in our area, and thus increase company profits, KICK should also revise its broadcast schedule to include more sports coverage. 为在本地区获得更高收视率,并从而增加公司利润,KICK也应该修改其播出计划来播放更多的体育节目。
The limited partners are basically "passive investors". they share in the profits of the business, but they do not participate actively in management and are not personally liable for debts of the business. 有限合伙人基本上是“消极的投资者”,他们分享企业的利润,但并不主动参与管理,也不对企业的负债负个人责任。
Limited partners may not share as much in the profits. 有限责任合伙人可能享受不到过多的收益。
Everyone who helped gets a share in the profits. 凡是帮过忙的就得到一份利润。
Each had a share in the profits. 各人有一份利润。
The organized interests are on a fairly good wicket as regards their share in the national income. Too large a share had been going to profits, too small a share to wages and farm receipts. 就其在国民收入中的份额而言,组织起来的股份是处于强大地位的。过多份额的资金投入了对利润的追求,而工资收入及农场所得到的份额太少了。
As a further incentive, they must be given a share in the company's profits. 作为进一步的刺激,公司应给他们一份利润分成。
Online retailers have recently waged a classic price war, making it difficult for even the biggest players, such as 360buy, to turn market share in Internet electronics retail into profits. 各家网上零售商近期已发动传统的价格战,这意味着,即便是京东商城(360buy)这样的业内大公司,也很难将其在互联网电子零售领域的市场份额转化为利润。
To survive and get flourish in the competition, seize more share in the market, obtain better profits and realize the best disposition in resources, construction enterprises have to run business complying with marketing, that is market → enterprise → market. 为了在竞争中发展壮大,开拓市场,扩大产品销量,提高企业经济效益,实现资源最优配置,建筑企业就必须使其经营活动按规律而行,这就是市场→企业→市场。
With the scheme, the employees of an enterprise will hold a certain number of shares and on this basis, join in enterprise management and share in profits. 职工持股制度是指企业职工持有本企业一部分特殊股权,以此参与企业的经营管理与剩余利润分配的制度。
The market share can reflect the general location and state of corporate in the same industry, the proportion of profits in the overall industry could be on behalf of the enterprises 'competitiveness. 市场占有率能够反映企业在同行业中的大体生存位置和状态,企业利润与整体行业利润的比例变化量能代表企业的竞争能力。